Shihab Turshizi

Mirza Abd Allah Khan Zand- Persian poet , born possibly in 1753 and started writing his poetry in his home town of Khurasan. In 1775, he left for Shiraz and his poetic ambitions took him from city to city and in 1778 he entered the service of the ruler of Afghanistan - Shahzad Mahmud Durrani Timur Shah, and became the poet leureate and where he attained the rank of Khan. He also excelled in the...


Insha Allah Khan- A leading and historic figure of Urdu literature. Born in 1757 in Murshiabad  ( India ) and whose family hailed from Irag. After having received a classical education in Arabic, Persian , and Turkish. He had compiled a Diwan of Urdu ghazals whilst still a child and in adulthood lived in Lucknow and Awadh where How To Make Someone Fall In Love With Youhe received a salary.....


Mirza Kazim Ali- One of the pioneers of Urdu prose literature and was a Munshi ( Chronicler ) at Fort William College ( Calcutta ) in 1800. Djawan was a scholar of Persian and Arabic. Herote xhaste Urdu prose and also revised the Urdu translTt Boot Camp Gamesation of the Quran, which was partially undertaken by Amanat Allah and others. In 1815 he revised the second edition of the Khirad Afruz of...


Malik Muhammad - Born in Kum, Iran in 1528. He went to Kashan at an early age and stayed there till the age of 20. He also visited Kazwin where he spent time in the copmay of scholars and writers. Kummi was much sought after by the Safawid rulers and Persian dignatarDriverhound - Best Driver Update Software !ies. In 1579 he went to Ahmednagar, India, and was patronised by Murtada Naazim....


The word means ” freeing oneself, escaping from something ” It is a technical term of literary usage and has a 1) Literary form and is used as a transition from the introduction to the subsequent themes. From the Abbassid times poets and critics favoured transitions by means of one or two lines serving as a link between the 2 sections. 2) As a pen name. In Persian literature it was linked...


From the Plural , Zuraifa. It denotes in traditional Islamic society and literary life a person endowed with zarf ( elegance, refinement ). Zarif is considered a type of “adib “, “tazaruff ” , and is viewed as an intenseriactaification of certain features , intellectual, literary, social, and personal – all of which are held to characterise the main ” adab ” Zarif is not deemed as...


Yusuf Khass Hadjib- Tukish poet of 11th century AD whose work ” Kutadhghu Bilig ” – ” Wisdom of Royal Glory “, completed in 1069 , is the oldest monument of Islamic Turkish literature. Hadjib presented this work to the King Bughra Khan a El Juego Del Texto -75%- Como Conquistar A Una Mujer nd was awarded the rank of ” Khass Hadjib “- Privy Chamberlain. He also published ” Mirror...


Shams al Shuara Kamal al Din- Persian poet of the early Safawid period. Born in 1500 Ad in Kashan and was a drapper by trade but became a professional poet. His work was appreciated at the Safawid Court and he also had contacts with the Mughal Kings of Deccan ( India ), where Akbar was also his patron and also the Khan i Khanan , Mirza Abd al Rahman. Kashani wrote Kasidas and also other genres...


It is the name of an Arabic stanzic poem , which then passed into Hebrew , Persian and Turkish. The name is derived from the Arabic ” Simt ” – meaning a thread or string. The oldest musammat are ascribed to Abu Nawas ( d.815 AD ). Some specimens can be found in Eastern Hebrew poets but it is the Andalusian Hebrew poets who use this stanzic poem called ” Meruba ” in Hebrew. This genre...

Nizam Arudi Samarkandi

Ahmed b. Umar b. Ali He took the takhallus of Nizm and the Honorific title of Nadim al Din ( or Nizam al Din). He was usually called Arudi ( the prosodist ) to distinguish him from other Nizamis. According to EG Browne Nizami is one of the most interesting and remarkable Persian poets of prose ” one of those who throw most light on the intimate life of Persian and central asian Courts in the...