Shihab Isfahani

Mirza Nasr Allah –

Persian poet of the Kadjar period ( 18th century AD ). Isfahani was born in Simrun ( Isfahan – modern day Iran ).

He belonged to a family of military judges but he devoted himself to the study of Arabic and had an inclination to write poetry. As a result , in 1839, Isfahani travelled to Tehran to pursue poetry and there engaged for several years in literary activity.

It was Muhammad Shah who gave him the title of  ” Tadjal Shuara “.

Isfahani also received  patronage from the Prime Minsiter of Persian at t

he time- Hadji Mirza Akasi., and received great rewards for his poetry. He also was made in charge of organising mourning sessions during the Shia festival of Ashura.

His main field of activity was the panegyric and he could write lengthy Kasidas ( poems of compliments and descriptions of favoured persons,such as patrons ). In his work he showed a fondness for metaphors and illussions.

The Sipahasarar Library in Tehran has a manuscript copy of his ” Diwan ” comprising a collection of Kasidas and 8000 couplets.

He died in his native Isfahan in 1874.
