Muhammad Rida of Khabushan in the vicinity of Mashad.
Persian poet of the 16th century (AD ). The son of merchant , Nawi studied in Kashan under Mawlana Muhtasham. He later became close to Hakim Nur Muhammad Khan.
Like other poets in Persia at the time he was attracted to the Mughal Courts in India- where he was patrinised by Mirza Yusuf Khan Mashadi and then by Khan Khanan ( Mirza Abdal Rahim ).
The best work of Nawi as a poet was ” Suz u Gudaz ” – ” Burning and Melting “, which was a touching the
me depicting the devotion of a Hindu Princess who accompanies her late husband in death on the funeral pyre.
It is written in an artificial language and distinguished by the originality of subject , which had not been taken by any Persian poet beforw Nawi.
His works were highly esteemed in India and he received 10,000 rupees , and elephant and a horse with valuable trappings for a ” Saki Nama ” dedicated to Khan Khanan.
His Diwan – ” Lubb al Albab ” has come down to us but remains un noticed.